Author's posts
Prof. Christophe Jouvet
Lab. de Physique des Interactions Ioniques et Moléculaires, Aix Marseille Universite, France. : Title: “Opticalpropertiesofprotonatedaromaticmolecules” Abstract
Prof. BurkhardKönig
Institut fürOrganischeChemieUniversitätRegensburg, Germany : Title: "Visible light photocatalysis" Abstract
Prof. RobertMcMahon
Universityof Wisconsin, USA. : Title: “Quantum Mechanical Tunneling Reactions of Organic Reactive Intermediates” Abstract
Prof. Frank Quina
Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil. : Title: “Chemistry and Photochemistry of Natural Plant Pigments: The Anthocyanins” Abstract
Prof. Juan C. Scaiano
Departmentof Chemistry, University of Ottawa, Canada. : Title: “From the mole to the molecule: bringing nanocatalysis to the single molecule level” Abstract
Prof. Alejandro Toro-Labbé
Facultad de Química, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. : Title: “Comprehensive analysis of the mechanism of chemical reactions. The reaction force perspective” Abstract
Prof. Alejandro J. Vila
Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario, CONICET, Centor Científica Tecnológico CONICET Rosario, Argentina. : Title: “Towards a rational control of the electronic structure of electron transfer metalloproteins” Abstract
Prof. LudgerWessjohann
Department of Bioorganic Chemistry, Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry, Halle, Alemania. : Title: “Organic chemistry with enzymes: mechanism based rational redesign of biocatalysts” Abstract
Invited Lectures
The following scientists have anticipated their participation as invited lecturers:
Prof. Andrés Thomas
INIFTA, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina. : Title: “Oxidation of proteins, peptides and free amino acids photosensitized by pterin” Abstract